IMPROVE YOUR MARRIAGE - Don't Overlook The Obvious

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Neither 'book smarts',
Nor 'street smarts',
Should always rule.

They say that opposites attract. And, while we know that is not always the case, it is true, in many situations.
Part of the 'opposites' can involve what is affectionately known as 'Smarts'. Something which is commonly divided into 2 types: 'Book Smarts' and 'Street Smarts'.

The perennial question is, which is better? And, in a marriage, the question further evolves into, 'Which type of smarts should rule the household and child-rearing?'.

The 'Obvious' answer is that neither one is overall better than the other. Depending upon the situation and the players in it, the choice of 'smarts' should differ. A marriage of both types will usually provide you with the optimum outcomes.

However, human nature being what it is, we have a vested interest in protecting and increasing the value of our own particular type of 'smarts'. - So that we pout, argue with, or put-down our spouse's knowledge and perspective.

One of the benefits of being married can be having immediate access to another opinion or set of skills. Don't be dumb! Don't be obstinate. And, don't be insecure! Share ideas. And attempt to be logical, in the final analysis. (Being seen as stubborn or lacking confidence are not sexy traits. Or, even appealing ones, in the hum-drum existence that you might have.)

That old saying of ' 2 heads are better than 1' has much validity! So, take advantage of the differing styles and know-how, between you. Life would be better for it.

'Nuff said!

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Improve Your Marriage -
Don't Overlook The Obvious

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